Cash Deposits
Check Deposits
- Payroll Check - If you deposit a payroll check, make sure you have your payroll check stub with you to verify your deposit.
- All checks must be U.S. dollars and payable through the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.
- You must properly endorse all checks presented for deposit.
The CO-OP Shared Branch location reserves the right to refuse acceptance of any item presented for deposit or payment.
Tax Refund Checks: For jointly filed income tax refund checks made payable to two parties where only one party is the the owner of the account, both must be present, both must endorse the check and both must have proper, valid identification.
Total withdrawals, cash and checks, cannot exceed $10,000 per day.
Cash withdrawals may be limited to $500 per day regardless of our policy.
Loan Payments and Loan Advances
Loan Payments can be made by cash or check, however, there may be restrictions placed on your loan account by Connecticut State Employees Credit Union for access through the CO-OP Shared Branch network. VISA loan payments cannot be paid through CO-OP.
Loan Advances can be made by cash or check, however, the cash limit may be set at $500 per day or by your Line of Credit limit set by your credit union, whichever is less.
VISA and/or MasterCard Cash Advances
You can request a cash advance on your VISA account if the service is available. Please have your VISA plastic card with you when you visit the CO-OP Shared Branch location. The card company(s) the location supports will be posted on the door.